Top Ten popular site visits (hellotxt) 1. - Legit online jobs directory 2. - Ecademy - Listing of Ning Nomads 3. - flickr - picture of my mouldy wall! 4. - Ecademy 5. - Slide - my Topfriends profile 6. - ready stocked software site 7. - Playboy Webmasters wanted 8. - Reality Networkers 9. - Legit online jobs directory 10. - PLR wholesaler
MyNakedPC Server News
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Friday, 20 February 2009
Thursday, 19 February 2009
just brought web domain fitby40
I was talkng about Ninja's with my sister just a minute ago - and remebred this "fit by 40" url to see if it has gone - I've opted or the .info again as it's only 82p for a year - the of the domain is still availble - so any fitness coaches out there you have a ready and waiting affiliate to blog about your website (for a commission - clickbank herbal / healthy lifestyle product maybe ?)
Let me know.
For the time being I might use this blog to promote health drinks or something - oh yeah - forgot the title then - dam - fit by 40 - can it be done - i'm like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo unhealthy maybe i should get out the trampoline again.
Just need some hardcore/techno music or something fast to jump up and down too.
Now if I could just find a Ninja suit i could be the "flying ninja nomad that wants to be fit by 40!" - woow!
Posted via web from Fit by 40
Facebook | Top Friends have over 17 Million monthly users
You get a free profile (friendly URL) - here's mine as example:
In comments you can ad video's / embed code and a link to a website.
I think it's an untapped area of facebook - that people kind of forgot about using more actively after facebook dropped them for a couple weeks about a year or so ago - many people rejoined but they were in full swing before to be cut off - never quite got the interaction back they had before.
Maybe a niche group of people could make use of top friends as it's rather like a club with max of 32 members but anyone with top friends can visit your profile or photos/leave comments or buy your profile - which has the friends for sale aspect to it. superpokes/buy a drink are probably one of the few mass poking tools left on facebook - where you can send virtual "hello" to everyone on your list of contacts - so it's like twitter - a mass broadcast with chicken pictures instead!
Monday, 16 February 2009
what the recession looks like to me

I watched that dragon's den enquiry with the bankers, with the lords of the realm and the guy from Asda, reminded me of the grilling the Heathrow airport (terminal 5)people got.
Anyway I likenit all to the banks being like the springs that hold the strain of weight (of the economy) from the impact of the consumer (the person jumping up and down on the trampoline)
The banks were all sharing the load - balancing out the pressure - maybe eventually they forgot the laws of gravity and started jumping up and down with the consumer - doing "spring juggling" where each swaps (hedge funds and debts could be juggled between banks) "hot potato" was thrown into the mix - subprime mortgages - that leads to miss judgement and human error creeping in.
Then the "Caldera effect" of trampolining kicked in - a spring weakend (a Bank went bust - in UK that spring was Northern Rock - in USA I guess it was Fanny Mae and that other one ?)
Springs are pinging - the jumper is still jumping unaware the springs are failing - until PING all the springs buckle at once - and customer and economy are flung into the air - big volcanic spot raging beneath....busted.
Then comes the germoline (the savlon - antiseptics - the taxpayer heal thy self) - if the conservatives got in MORE people would end up repossessed as they would tell the banks to be more vicious on homeowners - dog eat dog
- so while people are complaining that "liberals" are injecting future earnings into the consumer wounds - it's a choice of that - or be strangled in your bed by a true blue capitalist
- a real capitalist would eat you - literally to save their life from starvation - as nature is a capitalist - it's not an unnatural condition - it's just very harsh and uncaring like the negative forces of mother nature destroy's in order for regrowth of the fittest.
New Labour is a kind of hybrid - northern rock - are an example of the hybrid in action - repossessions up - yet nationalized.
I imagine the banks are confused by all this going on as they obviously wanted their cash back with Interest - as presumably that how they make their money - but the bank charges were excessive and a way to instantly pay a debt via CASH to avoid these charges never happened - which is where the subprime thingy went wrong as - if a percentage of the subprime people were getting paid on the black market by richer people trying to avoid paying tax - by stealth or by strong suggestion to self employed on low wages that they don't need to both with tax, then is all gets in a mess - no different to all this hedgefund stuff (the dodgey version of that they were talking about) - institutionalized avoidance of paying for anything over the counter whenever possible.
All this destabilizes Billy average the taxpayer (as I've said elsewhere) and he turns into a thug and forces weaklings/ vunerable types (that may or may not have rational or intellectual thinking occasionally like me) to suffer to make them eel better.
And full circle we are back to nature and killing - with civilization and society grabbing nooks and cranny's from the big flood... slosh - swimming or drowning depends on the temperature and if you have people supporting one minute then strangling you the next - trampoline or torture rack - perception depends on mood, mood is supplied by chemicals in brain supplied by environment....
Here's my chart anyway, is quite basic after that brain melting - sugar low commuing on so I'll end it there.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
IVP’s Chaffee: Why I Invested In Twitter

worth a read if you are into twitter
Friday, 13 February 2009
Ethnic supplies
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Lemonpie Update #1
Hi Internet people
- This is a 'quick hello' and a test post for another service I've come accross just recently which sounds like what I've been looking for to broadcast general messages accross my network of blogs.
It's Posterous and looks to be like hellotxt but designed for longer blogs than micro blogs, looks like it uses a wordpress interface - I'm using the on-line version as I'm still not comfy using e-mail to send anything. I do contact my Ning contacts and membership every two weeks or so with an invite to a club or to drum up some new members and I might kick start my IMC autoresponder again... might.
I've noticed some people I recognise from twitter here, that have been here a while and I'm wondering why I haven't found this place before as it's the very thing I've been looking out for, but not seen, i must admit i haven't searched as such, but I've mentiond my need of a time saver on webmastertoolkit - just suprised nobody came back with this service, but I can think of a few reasons, in terms of 'noise' from solely commerical posts (you know the S word)
Anyway my use for this service is like this - i will use it in a similar way to hello text but to update my blogger blogs, as since twitter I haven't been posting so much there - but these posts should get there rather like a newsletter - and it is another way for me to remind you to follow me on twitter @lemonknickers and/or come join my Ning Nomads Club - I have freebies for beginners, reviews of software and webtools I use / have used - I'm sticking eBooks on there and if you are a long time Internet user, we might already know each other from a past forum, as I've been on-line for 7 years (or a year either way) I stopped counting after 5 years when a webby person officially becomes a Veteran - so come in and say hello - if you are friendly!
Okay end of my first blog wide update, so lets see where this goes (fingers crossed)
And bye for now.
Zara x
Monday, 2 February 2009
Now look at that...

I know your ads aren't working. (I have xray eyes too)
How do I know this?
Because I'm betting that you're probably getting a pathetically
low click-through rate and an almost non-existent conversion
rate out of those ads.
Let me explain.
The truth is, banner ads and link exchanges just don't work
like they did... People just ignore them most of the time.
Google and other major companies that get the bulk of their
profits from advertising have tried to counteract this
'banner blindness' by making ads different sizes
- which worked ... for awhile.
You can be the best graphic designer or copywriter in the
world - and it doesn't make one bit of difference. Your ads
still have a horrible conversion rate.
Want to know which kind of ads people don't ignore?
==> Header Ads.
The header is the area at the very top of a web page. It
usually includes the product name, maybe a photo of the
creator and a graphic of a software box or book cover.
It's also the very first thing people notice on a website,
and the very first graphic to load.
Now what if you could take this same header area from
someone else's site and put YOUR ads on it?
Can you see just how much more targeted that would be?
The site visitors can't help but notice it - which means
you get more click-thrus and more eager buyers coming
to YOUR site!
See what I mean at
It's like getting someone else to do all the marketing
for you. All you do is sit back and watch as the customers
pour in!
And best of all - if you go to
- you'll find out exactly how much this advertising costs:
But I should warn you. As soon as the big marketing
pros hear about this - their servers are going to fill up
fast. And once the space fills up, they might have to
start charging.
Get in now before it's too late -