Okay I'm going to own up to something Dumb for the last year and a half (at least) I have been paying £8.00 a month towards a service I've never used - and here's how it happened....
I ordered a CD off Amazon or via a facebook advert (or another big retailer, but i'm sure it was them) and I was automatically enrolled into a shoppers discount program without fulling realizing it (i.e that they were GIVEN/PASSED ON my debit card details by the merchant I was buying from - during the after sales process or check out process.
- all I remember is that during the purchasing process there was a little box already ticked blending in which the merchant site saying something like - "this will enroll you into our shopping and savings discount program" - and i just thought it was a freebie coupon / voucher thing where they send you more details and try to flog me something later - what they didn't tell me is they were taking £8.00 a month for this "service"
- they have effectively been "skimming" my account for the last year or two.
The reason I didn't spot it - is well I did kind of spot it but because I make little purchases on-line and have direct debits each month - I actually usually thought to myself this Fee was something to do with my LOVEFILM subscription, kind of grumbled (as i thought LOVEFILM had probably tricked me into a higher subscription package when i signed up with them at a similar time) then forgot about it.
The annoying thing is I pointed out this as a possible mis sell to an ecademy member a few months after i first spotted these showing up on my bill - yet still forgot to cancel my own mis sold subscription to the same service! (update just looked at that post - it was the ecademist that pointed it out to me, I thought he was talking about the dropshipping part!)
Now what this shows me - is that this kind of thing might be rife on the Internet - especially as more and more micro payments (small amounts of money)get spent on membership services.
It proves to me that a consumer can easily sign up / be tricked at check out in to a hidden subscription fee - then they might dismiss it every month or think it is part of another purchase - I've got a feeling I've been sent to this cancel page before too - so maybe I've unsubscribed before and the cancellation has "gone missing" - and I've just thought - cancelled sorted, moved on - when it's still there taking my cash.
As a consumer that never REALLY agreed to this pillaging of my account monthly of 8 quid and all this recession talk - I just thought I'd warn you to check your statements each month that has a minus figure and looks like "shoppers discounts" or "shoppers rewards" hidden amongst their out goings as you may well be signed up - to a discount program that is charging you a monthly FEE - for nothing - as in sweet FA. (okay maybe some kind of postal insurance cover, which as an ebayer i know what is covered, and discounts through their links I'm not a big spender on-line so very unlikely to use any of their discounted links)
The trick may have changed now- but look for "opt out" boxes before you complete purchases at check out they don't tell you the tick is a contract - as this 3rd party company (this shopper discount rewards one) will automatically take money out from your bank each month with any purchase UNLESS you untick the box - and something you could easily over look or misinterpret as a freebie during the checkout process - so BE WARNED
Note I'm not going to add the actual web address of the site as that can lead to people accidentally joining scam sites, this has been proven by psychologists that study shopping habits - people can be fooled by the brain into remembering a warning as a recommendation - if a link is there, a person may book mark it,then forget it is a baddie and sign up.
£8.00 is an average weeks worth of electricity in a small flat like mine - and as I've been on-line ages - I already know where to get all the best discounts from - I don't need this kind of club to tell me - their optin form probably makes them ALOT of MONEY so they aren't doing it for love - which is why I have no probs admitting to this boob - I'm useless with cash - always have been - doesn't mean they deserve a pat on the back
- It's also creeper than spyware - like a parasite jumping into an open wound (your wallet)at the check out and hiding in there growing fat - the amount of unauthorized (with a £25.00 charge and interest) overdrafts I've got in the last year can probably be directly related to them on occasions - as an unexpected out going - which puts the price up to £31.00 a month - being sucked off by a "discount" program.
I have cancelled - I've done this post to hopefully remind me to check my statements and make sure they stop taking any more cash off me.
MyNakedPC Server News
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Dodgey DJ's depressing dole seekers this Xmas ?
They may as well be handing out razor blades and paracetamol to claimants...
OMG have you heard ? - talksport is being renamed "Corpse Sport" as it's the time of year (just before christmas when suicide rates go up in the country) where the DJ like to have a really BIG dig at anyone on benefits for the the TAX Payers Charity "Get Your Fat F**king Lazy Ass Back To Work, You, Work Shy Benefit SCUM" or GYFFLABTWYWSBS (for short),
Yes santa's not quite here yet, so the friendly DJ's can make the perfect taxpayer feel reassured that just like the government adverts cracking down on cheats - they too can broadcast to the nation, just want they think of GYFFLABTWYWSBSer's too.
So in the spirit of Christmas we will look at some of their dirty victims ...err claimants... in the Corpse Sport Towers benefits agency -
DRUG ADDICTS - self inflicted injuries - send the f**kers down a mine, make 'em dig the friggin dirt for 10 hours and tuppence a day - it'll give them self respect. (this going back to the womb in darkness may also heal the mental wounds cause by psychotic parents - that always managed to hold down a job)
SINGLE PARENT MOTHERS: dirty sl*ts "should learn to keep their legs closed, can't blame it all on the bloke" (they are only dirty s**ts if they weren't beaten up or abused - we is nice here...)
DEPRESSED PEOPLE: don't exist mate, f**king losers- they need to wake up and get a f**king life - sitting around in your pajamas all day you dirty, lazy, scabs -there are people dying in other countries you know and taxpayer has to fund your grubby self centered lifestyle.
- Here'a a free noose, do us all a favor! - like now rather than later- there is a rescession on... (other options include taking a drugs overdose, lying down on a motorway or standing in front of a train - go on you know you want to - it'll a be a relive for your working extended family who think you are scum too... the taxpayers don't REALLY want to pay for your medication, and hobnail boots for the next 40 years or so.
BLAH happy xmas to you to.
disclaimer: - naturally talksport always remind people hourly and at the end of a 4 hour rant that they are talking about - cheats only - not people without legs (unless they are junkie scum and it don't count, and not women that have separated from their men because they are violent - unless you are having a relationship with yet another man or buy clothes or make up - then you are a dirty tart.) thankyou.
OMG have you heard ? - talksport is being renamed "Corpse Sport" as it's the time of year (just before christmas when suicide rates go up in the country) where the DJ like to have a really BIG dig at anyone on benefits for the the TAX Payers Charity "Get Your Fat F**king Lazy Ass Back To Work, You, Work Shy Benefit SCUM" or GYFFLABTWYWSBS (for short),
Yes santa's not quite here yet, so the friendly DJ's can make the perfect taxpayer feel reassured that just like the government adverts cracking down on cheats - they too can broadcast to the nation, just want they think of GYFFLABTWYWSBSer's too.
So in the spirit of Christmas we will look at some of their dirty victims ...err claimants... in the Corpse Sport Towers benefits agency -
DRUG ADDICTS - self inflicted injuries - send the f**kers down a mine, make 'em dig the friggin dirt for 10 hours and tuppence a day - it'll give them self respect. (this going back to the womb in darkness may also heal the mental wounds cause by psychotic parents - that always managed to hold down a job)
SINGLE PARENT MOTHERS: dirty sl*ts "should learn to keep their legs closed, can't blame it all on the bloke" (they are only dirty s**ts if they weren't beaten up or abused - we is nice here...)
DEPRESSED PEOPLE: don't exist mate, f**king losers- they need to wake up and get a f**king life - sitting around in your pajamas all day you dirty, lazy, scabs -there are people dying in other countries you know and taxpayer has to fund your grubby self centered lifestyle.
- Here'a a free noose, do us all a favor! - like now rather than later- there is a rescession on... (other options include taking a drugs overdose, lying down on a motorway or standing in front of a train - go on you know you want to - it'll a be a relive for your working extended family who think you are scum too... the taxpayers don't REALLY want to pay for your medication, and hobnail boots for the next 40 years or so.
BLAH happy xmas to you to.
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From My oublietter's Scrapbook Blog with bits on it - Zara Lockwood |
disclaimer: - naturally talksport always remind people hourly and at the end of a 4 hour rant that they are talking about - cheats only - not people without legs (unless they are junkie scum and it don't count, and not women that have separated from their men because they are violent - unless you are having a relationship with yet another man or buy clothes or make up - then you are a dirty tart.) thankyou.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Saturday, 25 October 2008
running about like a headless chicken again...
things - Zoocoda - teething trouble with the templates I never expected - I know now, so future digests with all be sent in the sand dollar blogger template as they come out stable on hotmail.
I'm mulling over what membership area site software to use for incomeclubpro.com
been doing some report reading of various marketer's - sharing their money making method's and systems for creating cash - rather like a recipe all of them use the same ingredients just combined in different ways - every report I read lately gives me a new piece of information I didn't know how to do - Tom Mansell for example provided me with a useful little script that cloaks urls using php - which I probably could have found on a webmaster forum somewhere but when put in context (of the freebie report)it gave a practical example of where using it might be useful.
Now I'm not into cloaking generally but for the purpose of using in a system - like a membership club it makes sense - so I will be trying out that script later!
anyway enough for now I need to tackle my e-mal box which has been going slightly mad over the last couple weeks as I'm keeping tabs on too many things!
I'm mulling over what membership area site software to use for incomeclubpro.com
been doing some report reading of various marketer's - sharing their money making method's and systems for creating cash - rather like a recipe all of them use the same ingredients just combined in different ways - every report I read lately gives me a new piece of information I didn't know how to do - Tom Mansell for example provided me with a useful little script that cloaks urls using php - which I probably could have found on a webmaster forum somewhere but when put in context (of the freebie report)it gave a practical example of where using it might be useful.
Now I'm not into cloaking generally but for the purpose of using in a system - like a membership club it makes sense - so I will be trying out that script later!
anyway enough for now I need to tackle my e-mal box which has been going slightly mad over the last couple weeks as I'm keeping tabs on too many things!
admin site,
zara fan club,
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Before Blogging, Part 1
Visit WordPress DIY Videos (wordpress on crack)
Do you want to join in on the blogging phenomenon? Before you get started, you should know a few things about blogging. A blog is an online journal. Thousands of bloggers post online each day. It's a trend that began in 1997 and still grows steadily.
You Can Be Personal. Many times new bloggers are not sure what to post. They know that their blog is a personal space, but they are afraid to make their posts personal in any way. The best bloggers put themselves out there via their posts. They will post what is on their mind and their opinions on pressing issues. They may do so in a humorous manner or be quite serious.
Bloggers can be afraid to post their true thoughts because their blog allows comments. Some people will disagree with your thoughts and posts, but you should not let that hold you back. These people don't personally know you, so their comments really don't matter much. Don't be afraid to show your true feelings on your blog. That is what an online journal is all about.
Don't Be Too Personal. It is fine to be somewhat personal in your posts, but be cautious about how much you disclose about yourself. For example, including your phone number or address in a post or on your profile is probably not a good idea. Only allow people to know things that you want them to know. For your own safety, you might not want to post your last name either. When someone has a lot of information about you, they can victimize you through identity theft, or harassment. Stay safe and don't post private information.
Never Use Real Names. When you are posting, and keeping it personal and real, there can be times in which other people in your life come up in topic. Be very careful including other people in your posts. First, never use their real names unless you get permission from that person. It will only lead to trouble. If the person you mention reads your blog, they could get offended that you are writing about them. Even if the post is positive, it's as if you are talking behind their back. Try to keep the posts about you or celebrities or other public figures. Keep everyone else's business private.
Ready to start blogging today? Visit WordPress DIY Videos (wordpress on crack) to get your hands on a video course to get your WordPress blog setup and 100% customized.
Do you want to join in on the blogging phenomenon? Before you get started, you should know a few things about blogging. A blog is an online journal. Thousands of bloggers post online each day. It's a trend that began in 1997 and still grows steadily.
You Can Be Personal. Many times new bloggers are not sure what to post. They know that their blog is a personal space, but they are afraid to make their posts personal in any way. The best bloggers put themselves out there via their posts. They will post what is on their mind and their opinions on pressing issues. They may do so in a humorous manner or be quite serious.
Bloggers can be afraid to post their true thoughts because their blog allows comments. Some people will disagree with your thoughts and posts, but you should not let that hold you back. These people don't personally know you, so their comments really don't matter much. Don't be afraid to show your true feelings on your blog. That is what an online journal is all about.
Don't Be Too Personal. It is fine to be somewhat personal in your posts, but be cautious about how much you disclose about yourself. For example, including your phone number or address in a post or on your profile is probably not a good idea. Only allow people to know things that you want them to know. For your own safety, you might not want to post your last name either. When someone has a lot of information about you, they can victimize you through identity theft, or harassment. Stay safe and don't post private information.
Never Use Real Names. When you are posting, and keeping it personal and real, there can be times in which other people in your life come up in topic. Be very careful including other people in your posts. First, never use their real names unless you get permission from that person. It will only lead to trouble. If the person you mention reads your blog, they could get offended that you are writing about them. Even if the post is positive, it's as if you are talking behind their back. Try to keep the posts about you or celebrities or other public figures. Keep everyone else's business private.
Ready to start blogging today? Visit WordPress DIY Videos (wordpress on crack) to get your hands on a video course to get your WordPress blog setup and 100% customized.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
other random stuff - oh yeah this is now a customer service blog too
okay i might turn this blog into my admin,updates and customer service site actually for all my other blogs then anybody that comes here will know what i am up to as well as be able to ask for help with something they are stuck on or wondering about.
Folks will also be able to get ideas of what I'm planning, rolling out & beta ideas - yeay! I has found a reason for this blog to exist! (other than just my rambling and still grabs from google - actually don't know if I can be bothered to do to many more of those as it might be classed as being dumb or showing off - and o'course I am super clever and never show off so it might be out of keeping :P
okay - http://incomeclubpro.com - I'm looking at software to set up a private membership site for that site so I can set up a subscription site in order to makes use of all the ebooks I'm given resell rights to and can't just give away - I may have different membership levels eventually - but basically my zookoda clubs (via e-mail) are the freebie gateways to the paid site - I'll add free stuff, low cost stuff on the wordpres blog with options for potential customers to pay a monthly subscript via paypal to join the first level/upgrade paid membership site for the higher quality stuff, I might create a number of clubs depending on niche folks are interested in.
I've joined the Rich Jerk forum (as I'm into retro/kitch marketing niche) and Robert Puddy's forum - as there are some clever bods in there, that might understand some of the stuff I ramble about - they also talk about traffic exchanges (as well as run them) and there are more questions I need answers to in that area and making the best use of safelists etc. rather than just being drowned in swamps of e-mail - setting up my e-mail filters is something I need to work on too.
Folks will also be able to get ideas of what I'm planning, rolling out & beta ideas - yeay! I has found a reason for this blog to exist! (other than just my rambling and still grabs from google - actually don't know if I can be bothered to do to many more of those as it might be classed as being dumb or showing off - and o'course I am super clever and never show off so it might be out of keeping :P
okay - http://incomeclubpro.com - I'm looking at software to set up a private membership site for that site so I can set up a subscription site in order to makes use of all the ebooks I'm given resell rights to and can't just give away - I may have different membership levels eventually - but basically my zookoda clubs (via e-mail) are the freebie gateways to the paid site - I'll add free stuff, low cost stuff on the wordpres blog with options for potential customers to pay a monthly subscript via paypal to join the first level/upgrade paid membership site for the higher quality stuff, I might create a number of clubs depending on niche folks are interested in.
I've joined the Rich Jerk forum (as I'm into retro/kitch marketing niche) and Robert Puddy's forum - as there are some clever bods in there, that might understand some of the stuff I ramble about - they also talk about traffic exchanges (as well as run them) and there are more questions I need answers to in that area and making the best use of safelists etc. rather than just being drowned in swamps of e-mail - setting up my e-mail filters is something I need to work on too.
admin site,
bit 'n' bobs,
customer support,
rich jerk,
robert puddy
Monday, 6 October 2008
James whale Facebook group set up today and LBC

FOLLOW James Whale, Mike Mendoza, Tommy Boyd and Co. On TWITTER!
Here A link to his latest show via facebook events (you might need to be logged in b4 you can view this (not sure):
I haven't used the internet to listen to radio but then while setting up a group about getting James whale , Mike Mendoza and other's that were last heard (my me) at talk sport - I found the link to LBC again and he happened to be on. I hope they all get on board the twitter thing as it's a bit of a pain having to dart about from site to site to find out where all these different radio gods (and goddesses)are - I'd follow their tweets to their shows - it's now to gain a global audience, the hords of us that gave up on TV for youtube and were listening to talk radio when there wasn't an internet as we know it to use, eavesdrop and chat with people via wires other than radio or tv.
The group:
FOLLOW James Whale, Mike Mendoza, Tommy Boyd and Co. On TWITTER!
Sunday, 5 October 2008
live broadcasting and youtube 3rd of 518k
my Local blog top four results in google from 58k

yeay weston super mare blog is going well - which kind of prooves my point on niches4u blog that if you concentrate on your local area (town you live in or nearby) you can get to where you want to be in google - i.e in the top 20 of a local search.

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blackberry picking number 1 of 2.7 million

blackberry and apple pie and custard - haven't had that for years - I'm hungry and there are NO 27/4 shops within walking distance in my town - not even a garage - I mean I'm not walking out of town center to some dark lit garage on the motorway several miles away in the night - there used to be a 24 hour Spar here years ago - I think they must have kept getting robbed / violent drunkards - like the 24/7 Garage did in Burnham - scared off all the staff welldone lads now I can't go and get a pie in the night, Mr kippling does pies with apple and blackberry in.
Tesco used to be open 24/7 years ago to here.
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apple pie,
blackberry pie,
mr kipling,
Blackberry toolkit number 9 from 2 million

I've nearly brain washed myself into wanting a blackberry now!
via webmastertoolkit
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Tuesday, 30 September 2008
swim wear for big women

yeah, it's not just skinny chicks that want to swim and get fit you know! - if more gear was designed to enable fatties like me to go swimming without being mocked my crap fitting clothing we might FEEL LIKE losing a few stone and go swimming to get fit!
I've seen a bloke brainwash his child that fat women are disgusting/ugly - no wonder there is a problem in society - if dumb ass daddy's are so shallow and fickle - I dispise people like him I really do.
big chickies in at number 8 - so suck on that narrow minded sucker!!!!!
larger ladies,
swim wear
google 5/6 position for sketch up ebook
IBUK - a cool reseller of second hand books 1 and 2
Affiliate dropshipping notice Drakus

Drakus have had an influx of dropshippers so decided to limit the amount of dropship customers ?! - which I don't quite understand as I thought getting potential buyers was a good thing - so this is confusing, if it's one bloke in a bedsit I get it - too many orders can cripple a small business if not prepared.
- alternative UK dropship I recommended is Puckator - you pay something like £25 a year to join but you get a wide range of stuff (giftware, Jewellery loads of stuff) to choose from and I'm sure they welcome new potential agents/ customers without limits,International orders welcome.
so sorry if you've been turned away from Drakus if i recommended you there - they are full, no more dropshipping accounts available 'til further notice!
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